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Advanced Technology Transforms the Planning and Zoning Process

advanced technology transforms P&Z process blog

Break the Efficiency Barrier and Redefine What is Possible

Planning and Zoning Technology

Created by planners, for planners, enCodePlus planning and zoning technology streamlines processes with purpose-built tools and features.

Successful collaborative drafting in the cloud may seem like a lofty goal when experience points to substantial challenges.

Conflicting, disjointed versions of documents revised by multiple parties. Confusing track-changes upon track-changes. Imperfect document-merge processes that never work as intended. All collaboration nightmares.

Most public- and private-sector planners have personal experience with these headaches. Planners (and their customers) are left constantly wondering where the latest, most up-to-date version of a document resides. Did anyone respond to the commissioner’s concerns? Was the housing issue discussed in comment boxes across the last four versions ever addressed and resolved? Does the current version reflect only the best and most accurate revisions?

As communities move toward digital planning and zoning tools to mitigate these challenges, emerging technology must help them deliver critical services. They must provide continuity of service that is accurate and complete, maintain trust and respect from government officials and community leadership, and automate processes that allow planners to spend more time planning!

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