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encodeplus breadcrumb pages

Publish More, Pay Less with the Leader in Online Plan & Code Publishing Companies

publish more pay less blog

enCodePlus is setting the bar for online plan and code publishing companies.

The more you publish on enCodePlus, the cheaper it becomes.

It’s true! When you migrate your zoning ordinance, stormwater or flood regulations, subdivision regulations, form-based code, and comprehensive and special area plans…or anything else!…the more pages you upload, the cheaper they get! The enCodePlus platform can host ALL your current and past content, including:

  • Codes of ordinances
  • Zoning ordinances
  • Resolutions and by-laws
  • Planned unit developments
  • Subdivision regulations
  • Form-based code
  • Design standards and guidelines
  • Technical manuals
  • Handbooks
  • Comprehensive or general plan
  • Special area and specific plans
  • Development application files and records

Plus, since the more pages you upload, the cheaper it gets, it makes financial sense to create retroactive archives and build a complete historic record for easy reference.

enCodePlus is a step above other online plan and code publishing companies.

Whereby most online publishing companies focus solely on municipal codes, enCodePlus enables ALL types of documents to be published in an online, interactive format. Plus, hyperlinks can be established both within and across documents. For instance, if design standards reference individual zoning districts, simply link them. No longer must you fumble with multiple binders.

It’s affordable!

Most jurisdictions can get started with enCodePlus within their current budget, without waiting for or relying on annual budgeting. Get started TODAY! To explore more about:

  • enCodePlus pricing, click HERE.
  • Creating retroactive archives, click HERE.

About enCodePlus – Intelligent Planning, Zoning and Codification Software

enCodePlus is a unique web-based technology platform delivering a full suite of codification, planning and zoning tools and features. Serving clerks, attorneys, consultant partners, economic developers, managers, planners and zoning administrators, it allows local governments to modernize planning and zoning ordinances and streamline code and by-law management.

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