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How To Codify Form-Based Codes, Design Guidelines & Other Complex Documents

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codify form-based code

Digitize, Publish and Codify Form-Based Codes

Better Formatting, Tables & Illustrations with enCodePlus!

Historically, it has been difficult to codify form-based codes (FBCs). That is because, due to their complex formatting and extensive use of tables and illustrations, most codification companies are unable to publish them in an accessible online format.

Commonly developed in Adobe InDesign, they are also difficult to update, reformat, and re-paginate when there are amendments. Lastly, when FBCs are designed with paired pages displaying the numeric standards on the left and illustrations on the right, the only way to publish them to the web is via PDF. Static, unresponsive and difficult to navigate, they are neither interactive nor engaging for the user.

Modernize your systems and codify form-based codes with ease!

Now with enCodePlus, you can easily build unique page designs and layouts to accommodate FBCs and other graphics-intensive documents in fully editable, web-based formats.

Click on the links below to explore some examples of how other communities codify form-based codes, design guidelines and other complex documents.

Contact us today to build web-based, fully editable version of your FBC or design guidelines.

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