Launched in 2020, the new interactive Loudoun County Zoning Ordinance portal contains the adopted land use and design standards. Citizens, developers, and staff can use this portal to find information on the development review process, zoning, overlay districts, and other development standards. The staff at Loudoun County partnered with enCodePlus (ECP) to create a space for all development-related information linked in the main menu navigation under “Useful Links” and a self-help “How Do I?” section. Here are the documents available through this interactive portal:
Revised 1993 Zoning Ordinance
1993 Zoning Ordinance
1972 Zoning Ordinance
Land Subdivision and Development Ordinance
After the county staff launched the public portal, an admin site was created to facilitate the drafting of the new zoning ordinance (ZO), which would serve to modernize development standards and align with the county’s comprehensive plan vision. This project site allows county staff, attorneys, consultants, and stakeholders to collaborate, draft, and present portions of the new ZO for consideration. Once the new ZO is adopted, it will be migrated onto the main site to create a
ZO regulation history starting in 1972 and continuing through the present. That’s over 48 years of legislative history!
Automatically archives and provides historical versions of code sections.
Automated email notice of published document updates.
Customizable calculator for on-the-fly computing of bufferyard widths, screening types and plant types and quantities
Customizable calculator for on-the-fly computing of acres number of dwelling units per acre and per development.
Customizable calculator for on-the-fly computing of landscaping material types and quantities by location.
Customizable calculator for on-the-fly computing of total parking space quantities for cars, trucks and bicycles.
Secure document storage and retrieval system. Search ordinances by number, date or keyword.
Codification or recodification of a code of ordinances.
Fully customizable websites with branding, messaging, images, videos, color schemes.
Comprehensive glossary with 40,000+ (and counting) planning and zoning terms. Regularly updated.
Source code held securely in escrow, available to client to ensure ongoing access.
Esri-based GIS map application designed for planning and zoning queries, analyses, and display.
GIS map of districts where specific land uses are permitted by-right or by condition or special exception.
Database of 3,500+ jurisdictions’ ordinances for sample legislation. Requires Administrator Access.
Professional services to audit, amend, update or rewrite zoning and land development regulations.