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City Zoning Software from enCodePlus Transforms Market

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city zoning software blog

Management of Codes and Ordinances Made Easy with enCodePlus City Zoning Software

City Zoning Software

More and more city planners are exploring city zoning software as a solution to their city zoning management challenges. City planners across the United States share the same concerns when it comes to drafting, reviewing, editing and publishing their growing libraries of zoning documents.

Here’s what we’re hearing from city planners around the country…

  • There are many people involved in drafting, reviewing and editing our zoning codes and ordinances. This leads to confusion and frustration around the identification of the latest version. Isn’t there a better way to collaborate?
  • Zoning codes change regularly, and we often wait weeks for our third-party codification partners to upload the latest zoning codes to our website. How can we make this more efficient?
  • Our zoning codes currently exist only in paper form in an ever-expanding binder. This seems so inefficient and antiquated in this age of immediate access to updated information. How can we digitize and make our documents more accessible?

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