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Shaping the Future of Leesburg: Kendig Keast Collaborative to Implement enCodePlus for Zoning Ordinance Rewrite

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  • Shaping the Future of Leesburg: Kendig Keast Collaborative to Implement enCodePlus for Zoning Ordinance Rewrite
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As the parent company of enCodePlus, Kendig Keast Collaborative is excited to lead the transformative project of rewriting the Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Leesburg. Our shared vision is to create a forward-thinking and efficient zoning framework that aligns with the Legacy Leesburg Town Plan while incorporating modern practices. With initial presentations scheduled with the Board of Architectural Review on July 19 and the Planning Commission on July 20, the journey towards a more streamlined and user-friendly zoning process begins.

Empowering Leesburg’s Vision:

Kendig Keast Collaborative’s representatives will showcase the project’s timeline and milestones, setting the stage for community engagement and public participation. The comprehensive rewrite project is an essential step in implementing the Legacy Leesburg Town Plan, a vision thoughtfully adopted by the Town Council in March 2022. With the last comprehensive update of the Zoning Ordinance dating back to 2003, the time is ripe for a transformation that reflects the town’s future aspirations.

Main Goals of the Rewrite:

The primary goals for the Zoning Ordinance rewrite project are focused on creating a dynamic, business-friendly environment and enhancing community engagement. The key objectives include:

1. Facilitating Legacy Leesburg Town Plan Implementation: By aligning the new Zoning Ordinance with the Legacy Leesburg Town Plan, we aim to turn the vision into a reality, fostering growth and development that benefits the entire community.

2. Compliance with Modern Zoning Practices: Leesburg will stay at the forefront of urban development with the updated Zoning Ordinance, which will align with contemporary zoning standards.

3. Codification as Part of the Town Code: By integrating the revised Zoning Ordinance into the Town Code, we seek to enhance clarity, accessibility, and ease of reference for all stakeholders.

4. Streamlined Land Development Processes: Our focus is to create a framework that simplifies and expedites land development procedures, encouraging business growth and economic prosperity.

5. A User-Friendly, Interactive Online Zoning Platform: Leesburg residents and businesses will enjoy the convenience of an interactive digital platform that empowers easy access to zoning information and fosters community involvement.

Project Timeline and Public Engagement:

With the project’s commencement in June 2023, we anticipate a two-year journey of collaboration and innovation. Throughout this process, public input and feedback will be integral to shaping the final outcome. Our commitment to transparency includes a range of public engagement opportunities, such as meetings, work sessions, and open houses dedicated to the Zoning Ordinance Rewrite. All relevant information will be readily available on the Town website, in Town Hall’s lobby, and through the Town’s social media channels.

A Clear Path to a Promising Future:

Kendig Keast Collaborative and enCodePlus are committed to empowering communities with efficient and user-friendly zoning solutions. Together with the Town of Leesburg, we will create a vibrant and prosperous future that embraces modernity and innovation. Stay connected as we progress through project milestones, working hand-in-hand with the community to achieve our shared goals.

Project Schedule:

Summer 2023:
– Project Kickoff
– Council/Commission/Board Briefings
– Stakeholder Interviews
– Focus Group Meetings Round 1

Fall 2023:
– Code Audit
– Annotated Outline
– Council/Commission/Board Briefings
– Focus Group Meetings Round 2

Winter 2024:
– Articles 1 through 4 Draft Text
– Public Open House #1
– Council/Commission/Board Briefings

Summer 2024:
– Articles 5 through 9 Draft Text
– Public Open House #2
– Council/Commission/Board Briefings

Fall 2024:
– Full Draft Ordinance Text
– Focus Group Meetings Round 3
– 60-Day Public Review & Comment Period
– Planning Commission Public Hearing

Winter 2024-2025:
– Planning Commission Work Sessions

Spring 2025:
– Town Council Public Hearing
– Town Council Work Sessions

Summer 2025:
– New Ordinance Adopted

Join us in shaping the future of Leesburg with Kendig Keast Collaborative and enCodePlus! Together, we will create a more vibrant and prosperous community for generations to come. Read more about the project at LoudonNow.com. Or Explore Legacy Leesburg, the Leesburg, VA, 2022 Town Plan.

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