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The Benefits of Bufferyards: A Sea of Green

benefits of bufferyards

Creating a Walkable, Sustainable Environment

The benefits of bufferyards and landscaping go beyond simple compliance with ordinances.

With climate change on the rise and sustainability becoming increasingly important, developers, architects, engineers and other design professionals must consider more than simply planting landscape to meet a quota. They should think about how to use the landscape to improve walkability, noise pollution, air quality, wildlife habitat and creating an overall sustainable site.

About enCodePlus – Intelligent Planning, Zoning and Codification Software
enCodePlus is a unique, web-based technology platform delivering a full suite of planning, zoning and municipal code tools and features, together with full or hybrid code management services. Created by the planning experts at Kendig Keast Collaborative, the platform serves planners and zoning administrators, clerks, attorneys, managers, economic developers, and consultant partners. The cutting-edge software streamlines the rejuvenation of the format and usefulness of plans, studies, codes and ordinances, design guidelines, standards and specifications and the processes to create and publish them.

Jennifer Mak

About the Author of The Benefits of Bufferyards: A Sea of Green
Jennifer Mak – AIA, NCARB, LEED Green Associate, Senior Urban Designer, Kendig Keast Collaborative

Jennifer is a highly creative Architect and Planner with experience in the public and private sectors since 2008. She has been involved in all project aspects from planning and urban design on small- and large-scale projects through building construction administration in a variety of market types including healthcare, higher education, K-12, aviation, civic, office, transportation, mixed-use, hospitality and residential.

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