Revolutionize the Way You Manage Codes of Ordinances
Effectively drafting, publishing, managing and amending the code of ordinances is a big challenge.
Our intuitive, web-based code management system is your one-stop solution!
Robust, automated features offer everything you need to streamline your amendment processes, manage versions and archives, store ordinances and documents, and integrate them with resource libraries and research tools.
- Collaborate with ease to write and edit ordinance text
- Provide, respond to, and archive comments and track changes
- Document, upload and link legislative amendments
- Codify your ordinances with full-service consulting support or by self-publishing in real time

Plus, you can use it to interactively display and manage zoning regulations and other plan and design documents like form-based codes, design guidelines, technical manuals, handbooks and more.
Really. It’s a game changer.
Tap into our unmatched expertise and technology to transform the way you manage your code of ordinances.
- State-of-the-Art Technology. Discover advanced, one-of-a-kind tools that save you time, put you in control, and take your code to the next level with accuracy, timeliness, and accountability.
- Industry Expertise. Lean on the planning and zoning industry experience of our parent company, Kendig Keast Collaborative, to guide you to your best zoning code ever.
Get a little help or a lot – it’s up to you.

What do clients say?
This is all so helpful and makes many work tasks so much easier! Overall, everything is amazing and we are very happy with the product.
What are the unique benefits of our code management features and tools?
One of the most exciting benefits of enCodePlus is the complete integration of tools and features. Codes, regulations, plans, GIS mapping tools – all your municipal resources! – are gathered in one place in an intelligent and easy-to-use online platform.
What does that mean to you?
- Better research and analysis
- Total accessibility
- More effective communication
It’s time to bring your code into the digital age. enCodePlus integrates non-standard zoning documents with the code of ordinances, unified formatting, centralized control, assisted or real-time self-publishing capabilities, powerful zoning features, and collaborative editing tools. This ensures your code is standardized, consistent and accurate.
Automated features for section numbering, cross-referencing, and recording amendment history help you manage the code efficiently and effectively. Use the collaborative tools to write, edit, approve, codify and publish amendments upon adoption.
Ditch the outdated and time-consuming practice of manual supplementation. With automated digital amendments, your code is always up to date.
Still need a paper copy? No problem – it’s easy to export and print.
Concerned about regulatory compliance, formatting consistency, grammatical accuracy and quality control? Our zoning and code management experts (including experienced planners, code writers, and former municipal and county employees with legal expertise) and our editorial staff will dot the “I”s and cross the “T”s.
Are your zoning and land development ordinances stuck in an appendix or entirely independent of the code?
You can standardize and integrate them with your code of ordinances, so they are centralized and easy to navigate. Even complex, graphically oriented zoning ordinances and regulations can be integrated in a seamless way.
Your planners will love it!
Use the intuitive editing tools to collaborate with colleagues to draft, edit, track changes and publish your code in real time. Then, edit and republish as needed. No more waiting for paper updates to stuff into your binder!
Not sure your team is ready to take on the responsibility of managing the process yourself? Let our codification services experts do it for you, ensuring accuracy, timeliness and accountability.
It’s totally scalable and completely up to you.
Date-stamped and watermarked amendments recorded in perpetuity in a cloud library means easy access to historical amendment documentation.
You can even create a retroactive archive!
We all know how important transparency is.
Now, any user with access to the internet can pull up accurate, complete code text with a single click. They can find current code, links to ordinance archives and subsequent versions, related documents, pop-up definitions, resource libraries and more.
All the critical information they could want, at their fingertips.
This is a game-changer for both clerks and planners, as well as public users of the code and zoning regulations.
It’s easy to seamlessly integrate your code with the zoning regulations even if they are organized and formatted differently.