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Solutions for Consultant Partners

Superior planning tools for consultants, sub-consultants and their clients

From one consultant to another…

We’ve been there and done that. Like you, we are consultants who prepare studies and write reports, plans and ordinances. We were frustrated with the time spent formatting documents – often to no avail – and trying to manage countless versions of drafts circulating amongst multiple team members and our clients.


Discover the game-changing software platform that streamlines your work and delivers unparalleled benefits to your clients.

Increasingly, RFQs and RFPs require innovative web-based deliverables.  When you partner with the leading GovTech planning software technology firm, you can offer the best-in-class tool to your clients.

  • Improved efficiency for you and your clients
  • Better version management and comment tracking
  • Best-in-class, high-tech deliverables
  • Ease-of-use among multiple collaborators
  • Client access to state-of-the-art web drafting, archiving and storage
planning and zoning solutions and municipal code management software for Consultant partners
Let's talk about how we can work together!
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encodeplus breadcrumb pages

What do clients say?

enCodePlus is an extremely valuable tool for writing, displaying, and facilitating development codes. It is the only digital tool that enables a consultant to draft collaboratively with clients, receive and answer public comments in one place, and to display the code in multiple formats – all in one place.

I also find that my clients are able to master the software quickly, with the comment feature allowing us to iron out issues comprehensively and efficiently.

— Mark White - White & Smith, LLC | Planning and Law Group


Finding time to master a new software can be an overwhelming task.

How difficult is this software to learn?


If you are familiar with common word-processing software, it will be completely intuitive. It is like a web-based version of MS Word. Simple!


We collaborate among multiple offices and with sub-consultants and clients every day.

Can we share this software so we are all working in the same environment?


Absolutely! It is designed for this purpose. You can have an unlimited number of users.


It's important to customize documents to reflect the brands of our individual clients.

Are we able to custom design these documents?


Yes. You can brand them yourself or we can design the elements for you.


Projects come and go over time.

What happens to our project files once it's complete?


All projects are stored securely in the cloud, so you can access them at any time from any device.

Client Deliverables

Our clients require a variety of deliverables, often in different formats.

What formats are available?


All project deliverables can be published online or exported as a fully formatted MS Word or PDF document.

Public Presentation

Creating an executive summary is important to communicate key points of a potentially lengthy plan document.

Is there a tool available to help us do this?


Our Plan Navigator, Interactive Summary and Document Gallery can all help achieve this goal.

Special Features for Consultants

enCodePlus is your competitive edge! Leverage it to win more jobs. Become a consultant partner and be the change maker who guides clients to superior practices that reshape the way they do business.

Win More Jobs. Deliver Better Results.

Interactive Web Mapping

Collaborate in the cloud with team members, sub-consultants and client staff to produce and publish digital documents directly to the web.

Draft, comment, track-change edit, print, export to MS Word or Adobe PDF, publish and archive draft and final documents. Solicit invite-only or public review and comment.

Project Websites

Use flexible, easy-to-use templates to populate content, upload files and maintain a useful digital website for your client projects.

No expertise required!

Brand and customize them to reflect unique project requirements.

Plan Publishing

Empower your staff and sub-consultants to collaboratively and simultaneously draft, edit and web-publish graphic-rich digital plans, studies and reports on the fully editable, interactive platform. Hyperlink plans and other digital resources for easy reference.


Zoning Modernization

Enable clients to transform the experience of applicants, public officials and citizens with an interactive, online presentation of their development ordinances, form-based code or design guidelines.

The user-friendly interface offers seamless navigation among plans, ordinances, manuals, handbooks and specifications, providing unparalleled research.

Add value for your clients with custom calculators, lookup tools, navigation pages, or give them the key to Esri-powered, integrated and interactive 3D GIS technology that offers intelligent mapping.

Build real-world perspectives to visualize building massing, height and form, or leverage ArcGIS Urban to produce contextual views of proposed development.

Digital Summary

Offer your clients an interactive landing page, together with a custom-designed website to help users easily access and navigate the document.

Or, using our Document Gallery, synthesize and publish multiple documents in a single reader-friendly, highly graphic, interactive public platform – easily integrated with their website.


Write documents in the cloud

cloudwriter: the key to seamless collaboration

CloudWriter is a collaboration platform that is hosted in the cloud and used by any number of persons to draft, offer and respond to comments and edit documents.

In fact, several chapters or whole other documents may be in draft at one time.

When a report or portion of a report is ready for delivery, publish it online or export it to Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF.

It really is that simple!

To read more detail about CloudWriter, click here.

How Does the Consultant Partner Program Work?

As consultants, every hour counts. We have not-to-exceed budgets and a finite number of hours to get the job done.

Put an end to after-hours and off-the-clock work in three easy steps:

  1. Complete the form to register as a user (or group of users).
  2. Select a date and time to connect with your Consultant Advisor.
  3. Begin your first project in just a few days.

Not convinced? Give it a try and see for yourself!

Click here for a free trial. You’ll be an expert user in no time.

collaborating with consultant partners
we value strong relationships with consultant partners

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