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District Summary

Superior District Zoning Research

Table of Contents - District Summary
District Summary: zoning district research tool video image
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The One-Stop Shop for Zoning District Research

Take the tedium out of zoning research with purpose-built technology

The process of discovering what is possible for the development of a property is time-consuming and painstaking.

What is allowed? Where, how big, how tall? What are the parking and landscaping requirements? And what about the application requirements and multi-stage process to gain approvals?

The list of details needed is long and resources are disjointed.


Now you can access comprehensive zoning information about any property and the district in which it is located with our District Summary Tool.

What does this mean to you?

Unparalleled, up-to-the-minute research requiring no manual updates from your staff.

Implement easy-to-use tools for comprehensive zoning research.

Two Simple ways to access the zoning district summary: GIS MAP OR SMARTSEARCH

Option 1: GIS Map

Click the property on a GIS map to instantaneously produce a wealth of zoning information for the entire district.

Option 2: SmartSearch

Simply type in an address or parcel identification number to reveal a downloadable report summarizing all the parcel- and zoning-related information about the property.

No GIS technology needed!

Query zoning within a district for a point, parcel, line or user-defined polygon

using gis mapping technology

The GIS-based map is hyperlinked directly to relevant sections of the zoning ordinance. The information is dynamic, so any update to the regulations automatically updates the map. You’ll find:
  • Title and abbreviation of the applicable zoning district(s)
  • Hyperlinks to all zoning regulations relevant to the property:
    • permitted, special, conditional, accessory, temporary and prohibited land uses
    • dimensional standards (front, side and rear setbacks; building height and coverage, etc.)
    • required parking, landscaping, signage and lighting
  • Downloadable version of the District Summary Report
  • Granular research of specifically-defined geographic areas, such as within a certain distance of a corridor or neighborhood or the exact boundaries of a small area planning study

Integrate with land use lookup for more context

Use with the Land Use Lookup Tool for an even more complete picture.

Now you can see a report reflecting all areas where a particular use is permitted and the regulations and standards that apply.

Search an address or parcel ID using SmartSearch, select a lot on a GIS map, or research land uses and districts to produce the zoning designation and description, as well as links directly to applicable sections of the code:

  • District purposes
  • Use tables
  • Supplemental use standards
  • Parking, sign and landscaping requirements
  • Applicable procedures

Understand more clearly the location and context of districts relative to a parcel, neighborhood and corporate limits.

Example: Land Use Summary

examples of District Summaries in action

Explore these examples to see how communities like yours are using district summaries to communicate in-depth district zoning data.

All your district zoning information, all in one place.

Zoning Map Not Online Yet?


Our intelligent GIS zoning map is the only one of its kind. Claim all the benefits.

Rely on its accuracy. Let the latest technology do the work for you.

Why enCodePlus?

Our team of planning experts and former government staff has been in your shoes and we understand your challenges. We developed a municipal government software platform with powerful capabilities and the flexibility to customize features according to the unique needs of individual communities. We built enCodePlus for you!

Info & Resources: Links, Blogs & Videos

gis smartsearch - a zoning tool video image
Play Video about gis smartsearch - a zoning tool video image
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Play Video about buffer and mail merge video thumbnail
geocoding video, an interactive web mapping tool
Play Video about geocoding video, an interactive web mapping tool

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