Client Success: Bellaire, TX

Designing Bellaire’s Future: A Collaborative Approach with enCodePlus and Kendig Keast

In 2023, the city of Bellaire, TX, began drafting an update to their Comprehensive Plan with enCodePlus’ sister company, Kendig Keast Collaborative. The enCodePlus team helped design the plan for optimal online viewing by adding custom design elements that draw the reader’s attention to important details and enhance the plan’s readability.
The plan is divided into two parts: Bellaire Today, which provides background information on the city, and Bellaire Tomorrow, which lays out the goals and plans for the city’s growth. Both portions showcase enCodePlus’ ability to display graphic elements. The Bellaire Today report contains a variety of maps, charts, and graphs to help illustrate the statistics that form the basis for the city’s projected growth and needs. The Bellaire Tomorrow component includes maps and photographs to help visualize projected improvements, and dynamic tables that lay out goals and proposed actions in an easy-to-follow manner. The plan also contains hyperlinked cross-references to facilitate navigating the plan and accessing related external websites.
Bellaire’s partnership with Kendig Keast Collaborative and enCodePlus helped the city prepare an updated Comprehensive Plan that will help guide it to a thriving future.

“The enCodePlus design team is constantly working to provide creative ways of making planning and zoning information engaging to the public.”
Bellaire, TX
7008 South Rice Avenue
Bellaire, TX 77401
Key Personnel: Sharon Cadena, Client Care & Operations Manager Alexys Irwin, Lead Build Associate Vanessa Otero, Designer
Project Duration: Launched July 2023
Project Reference: Department of Development Services

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Premium Features
Tools & Features Used
  • Site Navigator (Plan or Zoning)

    Organizes plans, ordinances and other document types into understandable sections and categories. Also referred to as Plan Navigator and Zoning Navigator.

  • Custom Site Design

    Fully customizable websites with branding, messaging, images, videos, color schemes.

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