Client Success: Borger, TX

Digital Portal for Comprehensive Governance

City planners and administrators know that their work is essential, and their citizens need easy online access to planning resources. In 2020, the city of Borger, TX was due for updates to their Comprehensive Plan, Downtown Revitalization Plan, Parks Master Plan, and Unified Land Development Ordinance (ULDO). They wanted a place online to host all of these documents as well as their full Code of Ordinances and joined with enCodePlus and Kendig Keast Collaborative (KKC) to complete this project. Over the course of two years, all five documents were updated, formatted with custom branding, and published through the enCodePlus platform.

A Document Gallery was then created to serve as a quick-reference landing page for the three future planning documents, highlighting important information for each plan and providing links to the document text. The portal’s eReader option also allows users to read the plans in a book-like format. Features to help users navigate and understand the ULDO and Code of Ordinances include hyperlinked cross-references and definitions, an interactive GIS map with Land Use Lookup, and Development Calculators for parking, development yield, landscaping, bufferyard, and signage requirements.

“Previous versions of the Code of Ordinances can be accessed at any time through the Archives feature. ”
600 N. Main Street
Borger, TX 79008
Key Personnel: Sharon Cadena, Client Care & Operations Manager Alexys Irwin, Lead Build Associate Vanessa Otero, Designer
Project Duration: October 2020
Project Reference: Director of Planning & Development

Borger’s staff and citizens now enjoy convenient online access to all of their important planning documents through enCodePlus, ensuring the city will continue to grow and develop with the times.

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Premium Features
Tools & Features Used
  • Archive Manager

    Automatically archives and provides historical versions of code sections.

  • Auto Notification

    Automated email notice of published document updates.

  • Bufferyard Calculator

    Customizable calculator for on-the-fly computing of bufferyard widths, screening types and plant types and quantities

  • Development Yield Calculator

    Customizable calculator for on-the-fly computing of acres number of dwelling units per acre and per development.

  • Landscape Calculator

    Customizable calculator for on-the-fly computing of landscaping material types and quantities by location.

  • Parking Calculator

    Customizable calculator for on-the-fly computing of total parking space quantities for cars, trucks and bicycles.

  • Signage Calculator

    Customizable calculator for on-the-fly computing of sign types, areas, heights and locations by district.

  • Cloud Library

    Secure document storage and retrieval system. Search ordinances by number, date or keyword.

  • Escrow

    Source code held securely in escrow, available to client to ensure ongoing access.

  • GeoZone GIS

    Esri-based GIS map application designed for planning and zoning queries, analyses, and display.

  • Land Use Lookup

    GIS map of districts where specific land uses are permitted by-right or by condition or special exception.

  • Site Navigator (Plan or Zoning)

    Organizes plans, ordinances and other document types into understandable sections and categories. Also referred to as Plan Navigator and Zoning Navigator.

  • Zoning Consulting

    Professional services to audit, amend, update or rewrite zoning and land development regulations.

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