Client Success: Clemson, SC

Partners with enCodePlus to Streamline Access to Code of Ordinances

Since 2017, the city of Clemson, South Carolina has partnered with enCodePlus to make their Code of Ordinances more accessible to their citizens. In the past, the Zoning Ordinance was required to be maintained separately because of its many uniquely formatted tables and use of figures and illustrations that many other online publishers were not able to display properly or update easily. Now, with enCodePlus, the Zoning Ordinance is able to be viewed as its authors intended, and both the City Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance may be accessed in one location. The portal boasts two eReaders, provided for users who prefer to read the documents in a book-like format. In addition, a robust search tool allows users to find specific terms or phrases within the code text, and hyperlinks help users find exactly the information they need.

Clemson’s code is made even more accessible through the use of Quick Tables and Quick Links. The Quick Tables feature collects important code tables in one location for easy reference, and they automatically update whenever the tables are amended within the code. The Quick Links page provides direct access to commonly referenced portions of the Code of Ordinances.

“enCodePlus codified almost 100 pages of amendments for Clemson in 2023.”
1250 Tiger Blvd. STE 4
Clemson, SC 29631
Key Personnel: Sharon Cadena, Client Care & Operations Manager Alexys Irwin, Lead Build Associate
Project Duration: August 2017
Project Reference: Deputy Clerk

Clemson staff and enCodePlus continue to work together to keep their Code of Ordinances up-to- date.

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Premium Features
Tools & Features Used
  • Definitions Library

    Comprehensive glossary with 40,000+ (and counting) planning and zoning terms. Regularly updated.

  • GeoZone GIS

    Esri-based GIS map application designed for planning and zoning queries, analyses, and display.

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