Client Success: Early, TX

Integrating Zoning Regulations with a Full Code of Ordinances for a Unified Portal Document

In the spring of 2020, the city of Early, TX, contracted with enCodePlus to host their Code of Ordinances. At the same time, they contracted with Kendig Keast Collaborative to help them create a new Unified Development Code using land development regulations located throughout the existing COO. The project began with converting the city’s Code of Ordinances to the enCodePlus software and creating a custombranded web portal. Then, a separate project CloudWriter site was created for collaborative editing on the new UDC regulations. Using a separate site allowed the public to have continued access to the official regulations while the new ones were being drafted, this gave the UDC editors the freedom to edit and publish drafts without worrying about making changes to the existing Code of Ordinances.

The Code of Ordinances was published with hyperlinked internal cross-references and pop-up definitions to help the public navigate and understand the existing regulations. Other standard features such as the search functionality and a list of links to important city government sites were incorporated into the portal at this time. When the UDC was completed and adopted in 2021, the Code of Ordinances was updated to include the new regulations.

The final touch to Early’s web portal was the publication of additional features based on the UDC. A fee calculator was created to help users estimate the cost of a specified development project. Important tables were collected into a Quick Tables page for users to view that information outside of the code text. A zoning map was attached, with integrated Land Use Lookup and Parcel Summary tools. Altogether, the portal presents an accessible, user-friendly version of the city’s full regulatory code.

“Separately drafted zoning regulations can be combined with a full Code of Ordinances to present a unified document in your portal rather than publish two separate URLs.”
City of Early
960 Early Boulevard
Early, TX 76802
Key Personnel: Sharon Cadena, Client Care & Operations Manager Alexys Irwin, Lead Build Associate
Project Duration: Launched September 2020
Project Reference: City Administrator

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Tools & Features Used
  • AppTrak+

    Online permitting system for application submission, payment, plan review, tracking and issuing permits and approvals. Includes mapping and reporting capabilities.

  • Archive Manager

    Automatically archives and provides historical versions of code sections.

  • Auto Notification

    Automated email notice of published document updates.

  • Fees Calculator

    Customizable calculator for on-the-fly computing of fee amounts for application filing and permitting.

  • Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Calculator

    Customizable calculator to quantify the maximum allowable building floor area in proportion to lot area;

  • Cloud Library

    Secure document storage and retrieval system. Search ordinances by number, date or keyword.

  • Custom Site Design

    Fully customizable websites with branding, messaging, images, videos, color schemes.

  • GeoZone GIS

    Esri-based GIS map application designed for planning and zoning queries, analyses, and display.

  • Zoning Consulting

    Professional services to audit, amend, update or rewrite zoning and land development regulations.

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